Crypto and the Future

The future of cryptocurrency is exciting. It has the potential to revolutionize the global economy, but it also faces many challenges.

What is Crypto Currency?

Cryptocurrencies are a type of digital currency that uses cryptography for security and anti-counterfeiting measures. They are not issued by a central bank or backed by a government, but instead, exist on an online ledger called a blockchain. Cryptocurrencies can be used to make transactions without fees and without borders, which has led to their increased popularity in recent years.

Is this a new secure, way of a currency?

cryptocurrencies are not without problems either. One major problem is that they can be extremely volatile in price - which means they can lose or gain value quickly based on market sentiment or regulation changes. Another problem is that there is no universal standard for cryptocurrencies yet - different countries have different policies, and legal rulings vary from country to country.

“Cryptocurrency and Blockchain technology offer a lot of potential with investing.”
― Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr


The cryptocurrency known as Bitcoin was introduced in 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto. It was the first decentralized digital currency but has also been called a "cryptocurrency". Bitcoin is based on SHA-256 cryptography which makes it resistant to counterfeiting and reversible transactions are guaranteed. The creator of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto, did not seek to create just another currency but rather an entirely new method of payment, and as such it is more accurately described as a "cryptocurrency". as a traditional currency.
Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency that is based on the principle of decentralized trade. There are currently about 17 million bitcoins in circulation with a total worth of nearly $20 billion.

"Bitcoin never sleeps. We need to move quickly and grow quickly and do everything sooner rather than later."
-Roger Ver

Where did it start?

The concept was originally introduced by the United States Army in 1998 and general-use versions were first released as open-source software in 2009. In the spring of 2009, as a result of the global financial crisis, Satoshi Nakamoto-who described himself as an "unlikely candidate"-posted a research paper titled Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System. In July 2010, he released Bitcoin's software source code to the public and it became open-source. The software can be downloaded from and the core code is available under the MIT License.

The workflow of Bitcoin

Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer version of electronic cash that allows online payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a financial institution. The network timestamps transactions by hashing them into an ongoing chain of hash-based proof-of-work, forming a record that cannot be changed without redoing the proof and providing evidence of the new proof-of-work The first transaction in a block is called the "coin-base" transaction. It specifies that there will be no further transactions in that block and awards miners with newly minted bitcoins Every node of the network
runs both Bitcoin Core and Bitcoin Unlimited Bitcoin Unlimited requires all nodes to download.

This is all the technical stuff and we are sure you love it but the focus should also be on the future and accessibility of crypto to a larger audience. This can be achieved when government forms rules and regulations for cryptos and encourage others to take a step forward to adopt new technologies. .

Is the future in Crypto Currency secure and trustworthy?

Recently government imposed a 30% tax on crypto transactions which is not good for healthy adaptation to this technology. But the sure thing that prevails is that this technology is surely going to take over, the techno surrounding it like the WEB3 and Blockchains are the new phase for the world. Of course, the initial phase will be full of trials and errors and a lot of projects will go up and many more will be blown up but we can surely say that this is the future.

Abhibhava Tyagi

Abhibhava Tyagi is a Content Writer at VentureX, SJCE. Currently pursuing his Bachelor's in Information Science Engineering. A skilled and creative writer full of enthusiasm!